Stories from a Soldier:

“Police Story” While I was stationed at Malmstrom, I worked in the 341st and 490th Security Police Squadrons providing security for nuclear missiles, underground Nuclear Missiles. I made sure no one got close, if they did it would trip the Doppler radar system which would activate a situation 9 “outer zone OZ activation” if someone moved the combination dial it would activate a situation #4 Inner Alarm activation.  While I was working one night we had a sit 4, all sit 4s create a 15 and 5, 15 cops deploy in 5 minutes to the site, and there is a Helping Hand activation “up channel message to higher headquarters” when we arrived there was a priest on site, sitting on a box.  We thought it was a bomb, when we removed him, he was in a lot of pain “our help” and we turned him over to Montana Highway patrol. 

“Korean Ghost Story” During the Korean war Osan AB “OSAN mean Morning of the rising fog” was over ran by north Korean, and around 21 soldiers left behind to fend for themselves.  The north Korean hung everyone in the hanging tree and in a aircraft hangar.  My close friend SSgt Wilton McCullum AKA Chili Mac, fell asleep against the tree while on post, he was abruptly woken up by a female officer.  She was screaming “how could you fall asleep during war” my friend thinking of the DMZ Demilitarized Zone and the continued war going on.  She said she was going to give him a Art 15 for abandoning his post, sleeping on duty.  She said that she was going to call his supervisor, then turned around and started to walk away.  He turned around picked up his equipment and started to walk when he noticed she was gone, there was no way she could disappear so quickly unless she ran at max speed.  He notified his supervisor of the situation and he said he would handle it when she made a statement.  For six months she never came forth.  Chili Mac was out processing and having some of his paper work signed at the command post.  While he was waiting he was looking at the pictures of the people who was killed during the Korean war that was on the wall, their she was.  Her picture and the same uniform “old style” was there on the wall, he was so scared he just couldn’t believe it.  Working nuclear weapons we were on PRP “Personal Reliability Program” to even mention this would have you decertified, he never told anyone except for me.  I believed him, he never lied to me.

 “Philippines PI Jungle warfare / Base Ground Defense / Survival training, I have to tell the truth this is one of the most physically and mentally demanding training I ever had.  Truth I was a non-volunteer twice that’s right twice.  Our trainers consisted of AF, Green Beret’s, and Nagretos “Jungle People” what madness.  When you climbed heart attack hill you could see the lights off in the distance of the Sparrows Terrorist training camp.  I had no love for these people, because they trained by using us as their training class room.  While we were setting up operations for base defense exercise scenarios they would train on gathering intel on our locations, oh and try to appropriate as much of our equipment as possible.  One night I was watching my land telephone land line move across my fox whole, they were pulling on the wire attached to my phone, we had a fight because I started to pull back, the bad part is that we didn’t have live ammo just blanks because it was an exercise. 

During the jungle survival training we where given just a small bag of rice to last three days.  The only equipment we were authorized was a knife and poncho.  I caught several small crabs and some type of small nasty looking fish, a few vegetables that I found.  More or less I lost several pounds.  We created our own make shift shelters to live in.  At the end of the survival training we were heading back to our camp, we came across a small river about 2 clicks from base camp.  We hadn’t showered or changed cloths in over three days, and where smelling real bad.  So we decided to jump in the river and enjoy ourselves.  After around 10 minutes our Nagreto trainers started to laugh at us, we asked them what’s up?  They briefed us that the stream we were in is invested with small leaches that like to climb up into small warm orphases to lay eggs.  So naturally we had to strip down naked and check each other’s assholes to see if anything was climbing in.  Not my proudest moment in life. 

   I was selected to lead a team through night time navigation through the mountains in the jungle.  After we found our second location we were on to our third mark, we were in this basin going over this ridge and there was this glow.  We thought we came across a small Sparrow Terrorist training camp and there wasn’t no other way to go to get to our next location, unless we added another 8 – 10 miles onto our trip.  In the jungle 8 – 10 miles is more than you can imagine, it’s a whole lot of pain.  We as a team decided to go forward, we came to the ledge and looked over and it appeared that a tree was on fire.  The team couldn’t believe what we were seeing in the middle of the jungle.  We walked toward the light at it was so bright, the jungle has no lights, there was no moon, it was so crazy, frightening.  We stood around 10 feet from the tree and watched millions of fire flies having sex in just one mango tree, one of the most amazing natural things I have ever seen in my life. 

   During our training theirs 8 teams of 4 people, they always pick the best one to do the OSI “Office of Special Investigators” run.  Basically you take 1 to 2 agents into the jungle to meet and exchange information with a double spy.  The scenarios next step sucks, after your agent exchanges intell you have to get back, but there’s an ambush, rockets, gun fire, and mortars going off ever where.  The scenario is all the security guards are killed, the agent gets captured.  Then the agent goes through a POW “Prisoner of War” camp he has to try to escape, “Escape and Aviation” training.  We just walk back without our agent.  After we returned to Okinawa my friend Gary and I went to his house to wash our cloths and get drunk his girlfriend opened the first garbage bag with our dirty cloths, within a minute she ran into the bathroom throwing up, we smelled pretty bad.  And I went through this training twice, whew not my idea of a good time.       

“Sewer Demons in Tokyo” I was working as a customs official at Yokota AFB Japan.  I went to guard mount “Halloween Day” working a swing shift 3PM to 12PM.  OSI “Office of Special Investigations” was there, they said close the doors we have something to brief you on.  They said 99 kids where going to kill themselves “suicide” in order to raise a demon on base.  Of course I had the first question, I asked “if we see a demon can we shoot it”, the answer was a strong no.  I proceeded to the customs office at the terminal.  OSI said that they found their make shift temple and tore it down, and they had created a new in the tunnels.  They had no idea what that meant.  I told a few maintenance people at the what OSI had said about the tunnels and they said there are huge tunnel under the base and the only way to get into them is in the restricted area.  So around midnight we didn’t have any work, my partner said lets go into the tunnels.  Well we went into the restricted area, lifted this huge grate and proceeded down the stairs, it went pretty deep.  The tunnel where huge, tall enough for my partner six foot two to run at full pace without hitting his head on the ceiling.  We jumped into the first section of tunnel and right there was a bunch of demonic symbols, he said we found them, lets go get them.  We started to walk and walk it was around 3/4 of a mile long, we jumped into another section of tunnel and right there it said you are at en.  It appeared to be missing the d on the end, we where rubbing the paint to see if it was fresh.  My partner said lets go, we got to get out of here.  I looked at him and said don’t worry dude we have guns, locked and loaded.  He screamed at me lets get out of here.  Then all of a sudden there was a huge crashing sound, and we could hear voices, several of them.  Again my partner screamed let go, by now I had my gun pointing down the tunnel and I said let go get them their only high school punks.  Then there was another crash and it sounded like it was getting closer, he screamed again but this time I was to busy running away.  He tried to pass me up a few times but I would let him、 he kept screaming it right behind me, I said what’s behind you, he said you look.  We ran and ran around a half a mile through the tunnels, he started to scream real loud, hurry hurry.  I jumped down in-between sections of the tunnel and jumped back up into the last section of tunnel, my knee hit the lip of the tunnel real hard, I couldn’t walk it hurt so bad.  My partner through me into the tunnel and I tried to keep running, again he tried to pass me but I wouldn’t let him.  There was this big rock right in front of me an he was right behind me, I jumped over it but he had no time to react, he hit it hard and fell.  He was hurt pretty bad, I left him like the man I am, he screamed help me man, so I went back and got him.  We both crippled out to the ladder, he pushed me aside and went first, then I went up, I got to the top of the ladder and I couldn’t find him, he was gone.  I closed the grate and got into the vehicle and drove around until I found him.  He got into the vehicle and I asked him what was behind him, he said he felt something coming at us and all the hair on his head stood up he was so scared. 

   The next day we told everyone what happened and I went back with a team of five people, my partner refused to go back he was to scared.  We got all the way through the tunnels and we didn’t anything.  But we discovered the crashing sound was vehicles going over other man holes, and the voices were people talking right above the same man hole.  So my friend got scared for no reason, and there wasn’t any kids down there.  But it made for a killer story amongst the cops.

More to come!